Body Systems

  1. 4. eating disorder of eating large quantities and then intentionally vomits
  2. 7. ventricles are relaxed
  3. 8. type of circulatory system wherein fluid leads to open spaces in the body cavity
  4. 12. reaction in which the cells clump together
  5. 14. fluid of the circulatory system
  6. 16. hardening of arteries due to diet high in fat and cholesterol
  7. 17. powerful contraction of the ventricles
  8. 19. small, colorless cell fragments that participate in blood clotting
  9. 21. force that blood exerts on vessel walls
  10. 22. type of circulatory system wherein blood remains within blood vessels that exchange with fluid in the body
  11. 23. entrance of food into the digestive track
  12. 25. pump that keeps blood moving
  13. 27. liquid matrix of the blood
  14. 28. nutrients enter the cells lining, digestive tract and the body
  15. 29. a system in which organs ingest food, break it down, absorb small molecules and eliminate undigested wastes
  1. 1. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  2. 2. cancers in which bone marrow overproduces white blood cells
  3. 3. solid waste that leave digestive tract
  4. 5. protein that carries oxygen
  5. 6. tube that connects bladder with the outside body
  6. 9. immune system cells that originate from red bone marrow
  7. 10. plug of stratified blood
  8. 11. unit of food energy content
  9. 13. physical and chemical breakdown of food
  10. 15. carry blood back to the heart
  11. 18. large vessels that conduct blood away from the heart
  12. 20. animal's body expels undigested food
  13. 24. chamber where blood exits
  14. 26. Blood Cells saucer-shaped disks that participate in exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  15. 28. chamber where blood enters