Body Systems

  1. 1. Components of the circulatory system that allow large volumes of blood to travel through quickly.
  2. 3. This type of muscle allows you to flex your muscles.
  3. 5. This is the only system that isn’t necessary for an individual’s survival.
  4. 8. System with 3 types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
  5. 9. These are necessary for muscle growth (They are also synthesized by ribosomes).
  6. 11. Female part where an embryo develops into a fetus.
  7. 13. Dioxide, This gas is considered a toxin or waste to the body.
  8. 16. or Ova, The female reproductive cell.
  9. 17. A dermatologist would be an expert on this system. (Maybe also a hairstylist or manicurist?)
  10. 19. The system that gets rid of waste.
  11. 21. A type of muscle allows one’s hair to stand on end.
  12. 23. The organ that can make you do the “kitty dance”. (The “kitty dance” is what you do when you have to pee really bad.)
  13. 24. When people have deficiencies of these, people eat strange things like clay or coins.
  14. 25. This term means, “to separate and expel”.
  15. 27. Another name for the locomotor system.
  16. 31. Part of the nervous system.
  17. 32. The system that gives you an adrenaline rush.
  18. 34. Nodes, Your body has hundreds of these and they filter substances that travel through the lymphatic fluid, and they contain lymphocytes that help the body fight infection and disease. (space between words)
  19. 35. Skin, or Fingernails, Part of the integumentary system.
  20. 37. These substances are harmful to your body.
  21. 40. This is the central processing unit of the body.
  22. 41. This system is responsible for distributing oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
  23. 44. The male reproductive cell.
  24. 45. The first part of the digestive system.
  25. 46. This is a gas and an element essential for life and integral to the respiratory system.
  26. 47. This is part of the circulatory system and their cells have a large surface area to be able to absorb O2.
  27. 49. This is the term used to describe what glands do.
  28. 50. The powerhouse of the circulatory system.
  29. 52. This system is largely connected by ligaments.
  30. 53. This small gland makes hormones that control other glands and many of the body’s functions.
  31. 55. Man, This image by Leonardo di Vinci is associated with health/fitness, human body proportions, and with the practice of medicine.
  32. 56. The type of skeleton that is based on water pressure.
  33. 57. that trigger responses by our nervous system.
  34. 58. Carbohydrates or Proteins, One of the cellular fuels necessary for energy.
  35. 59. A type of muscle surrounding the heart.
  1. 2. System that exchanges gases into & out of the body.
  2. 4. ,This cleanses the body of toxins and produces bile.
  3. 6. Part of your respiratory system (and microscope).
  4. 7. The endocrine system secretes these.
  5. 10. or Toxins, These things are very harmful to your body and your immune system fights them.
  6. 12. What “growls” and is part of the digestive system.
  7. 14. This system includes the liver, stomach, intestines, esophagus and mouth.
  8. 15. The type of skeleton humans have.
  9. 18. This regulates the amount of insulin in the blood.
  10. 20. The stuff that isn’t useful to the body & may be toxic.
  11. 22. Skin, or Fingernails, Components of the integumentary system.
  12. 26. This is another name for the urinary system.
  13. 28. Rhymes with “tongues” and are near the heart.
  14. 29. This is another name for the musculoskeletal system.
  15. 30. The smallest components of the circulatory system other than blood itself.
  16. 32. Connects the throat to the stomach.
  17. 33. Insects have this type of skeletal system.
  18. 36. Part of the skeletal and digestive systems.
  19. 38. This part of the digestive system is very long and has a tremendous surface area to absorb nutrients.
  20. 39. These remove waste and water from the blood in the form of urine.
  21. 42. Gland, A pea-sized gland in the brain that produces melatonin regulating our circadian rhythms.
  22. 43. The system excretes liquid waste.
  23. 47. Marrow, Most red blood cells, platelets, and most of the white blood cells are formed here. (Skeletal system)
  24. 48. The female organ producing female reproductive cells.
  25. 51. The system that allows you to feel emotion.
  26. 54. These create sperm.