Body systems

  1. 1. Transmits signals towards different parts of the body
  2. 3. allows you to have good posture and move around
  3. 4. type of infection in the respiratory system
  4. 9. Made of bones and protects organs
  5. 10. includes nerves and clusters of nerves that connect the centeral nervous system
  6. 12. what makes up the muscular system
  7. 13. carries blood to the heart
  8. 14. Carries blood away and towards the heart
  9. 16. Something the human body needs to sustain itself
  10. 19. carries blood away from the heart
  11. 20. system that allows you to move
  1. 2. lets you have subtle movements like facial expressions
  2. 5. regulates natural body processes like your heart beating
  3. 6. apart of the central nervous system
  4. 7. Protects the heart and the lungs
  5. 8. sends blood throughout our bodies
  6. 11. protects the brain
  7. 15. main organ in the respiratory system
  8. 17. place where oxygen enters your body
  9. 18. the skeletal system contains a lot of this