Body Systems

  1. 2. bones, responsible for the body shape
  2. 5. system that is the skin of your body
  3. 7. smallest bone of forearm
  4. 8. bone that ribs are connected to
  5. 9. system responsible for movement
  6. 10. system that breaks down food into nutrients
  7. 12. system that contains brain and spinal cord
  8. 14. responsible for carrying oxygen to cells
  9. 16. jaw bone
  10. 18. lowest part of the vertebrae
  11. 20. lower leg bone
  12. 21. organs that help you breathe
  13. 22. vertebrae section that is closest to skull
  1. 1. system that allows reproduction of life
  2. 3. bones of the fingers
  3. 4. largest bone of the skeletal system
  4. 5. cells that protect the body of germs
  5. 6. middle section of vertebrae
  6. 11. system that releases hormones
  7. 13. carries waste away from the body
  8. 15. bones that protect the internal organs
  9. 17. knee cap
  10. 19. largest forearm bone