Body Systems

  1. 1. what type of signals does muscle movement produce
  2. 3. a network of tiny blood vessels
  3. 5. gets rid of the bodies waste
  4. 6. keeps body fluids in balance and fights infections
  5. 9. breaks down food and turns it into energy
  6. 12. they send signals to other cells
  7. 13. the skin and appendages
  8. 16. carries blood around the body
  9. 18. where is the cardiac muscle found
  10. 19. how many pairs of ribs are there
  11. 21. controls the body through the use of electrical signals
  12. 22. the main artery of the body
  1. 2. how many types of muscle tissue are there
  2. 4. the respiratory system allows you to be able to
  3. 7. abnormal discharges from brain cells that cause seizures
  4. 8. system of organs involved in producing offspring
  5. 10. supports the body and enables movement with help from the muscular system
  6. 11. passage connecting your throat and lungs
  7. 14. communicates with the body using chemicals and hormones
  8. 15. organs that remove oxygen and pass it to your blood
  9. 17. carries air into the body
  10. 20. enables all the movement of the body