Body Systems Intro

  1. 2. these carry blood into the heart
  2. 7. inside the bone, there is bone ___
  3. 8. the nervous system manages ___ responses
  4. 10. this body system protects organs
  5. 13. the outside layer of skin
  6. 14. this system is all about breathing
  7. 15. these carry blood away from the heart
  8. 16. this system is all about food
  9. 17. the brain is part of this system
  1. 1. the digestive system has a large and small ___
  2. 3. this is how many types of muscle there are
  3. 4. food enters the ___ first
  4. 5. the circulatory system has red and white ___ cells
  5. 6. the muscular system allows ___
  6. 9. these gather information and interpret it
  7. 10. this body system controls temperature
  8. 11. this system moves blood
  9. 12. where two bones meet is the ____