Body Systems- Parts and Jobs

  1. 4. Parts are lungs, trachea, bronchial tubes, aveoli, and diaphragm
  2. 7. Parts are skull, vertebrate, and joints
  3. 9. vitamins and water are removed in the large ___
  4. 11. The lungs bring __________ into the body.
  5. 12. Parts are ligaments, tendons, and muscles
  6. 13. (2 words) waste product of the body
  1. 1. Parts are heart, blood, and blood vessels
  2. 2. Parts are mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines
  3. 3. the skeletal and muscular system work together to allow the body to _____________
  4. 5. Circulatory system gets __________ from digestive system
  5. 6. The skeletal system's job is to _______ the body.
  6. 8. Parts are brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  7. 10. (2 words) where red blood cells are made that the circulatory system needs