Body Systems Review

  1. 3. Brings oxygen-poor blood back to the heart
  2. 7. Connects blood vessels together
  3. 9. one function of bones (think sternum)
  4. 11. one function of bones (think humerus)
  5. 12. Cord main highway for sending messages that is protected by the spine
  6. 13. the system that pumps our blood throughout our body
  7. 14. the system that helps our bodies move
  8. 16. the system that controls everything by sending messages throughout our bodies
  1. 1. the longest and strongest bone in our body
  2. 2. the system that supports and gives structure to our bodies
  3. 3. type of muscle you can control
  4. 4. the system that brings in oxygen and releases CO2
  5. 5. Brings oxygen-rich blood away from the heart
  6. 6. nerve cells
  7. 8. control center of the nervous system
  8. 10. type of muscle you can't control
  9. 15. the main organ in the respiratory system