Body Systems Year 3 Assessment

  1. 1. goodness from our food is transported in this
  2. 4. these muscles move without us thinking about it
  3. 6. the control centre of our body
  4. 7. blood moves through these
  5. 9. lungs are part of this system
  6. 11. taken to help us recover when we are sick
  7. 13. important to do regularly to help us be healthy
  8. 14. this is the pump in our body
  9. 15. our skeletal system helps protect these
  10. 16. we breath this in
  1. 2. the largest bone is in the ...
  2. 3. we need to do this to our food
  3. 4. the tiniest bone in the body
  4. 5. these make our bodies move
  5. 8. this provides our body with fuel
  6. 10. provides a frame for our body
  7. 12. messages are sent to parts of our body through this system
  8. 17. the tiniest bone is in the ...