body systems

  1. 4. a type of blood cell that consumes pathogens
  2. 6. a fungal infection in the skin, hair or nails; often calleds ringworm
  3. 8. a hormone produced in the adrenal glands; it is commomly known as adrenalin
  4. 11. a whie blood cell that makes antibodies and is found in the lymph nodes
  5. 12. able to maintain a constant body temperature
  6. 14. a portion of the brain that constantly checks the internal environment of the body
  7. 15. organelles where cellular respiration occurs
  8. 16. part of the nervous system that speeds up the functions of the body and makes the body work more efficiently
  9. 17. a single cell with a tough skin that fungi use to spread
  10. 18. a hormone that has the opposite effect to insulin: it releases glucose from the stores in the liver and muscles
  11. 19. chemical substances that act as messengers in the body
  12. 20. a hormone that controls the amount of urine produced by the body
  13. 22. the space between two neurones
  14. 23. a chemical message released at the end of an axon to be received by the next neuron's dendrites
  15. 24. the process of maintaining a constant internal environment
  16. 25. the nerves that carry messages to and from the central nervous system and other parts of the body
  17. 28. a stomach infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella enteridis
  18. 29. an infectious disease spread throughcontaminated water
  1. 1. a viral illness; symptoms include high temperature and body aches
  2. 2. a chemical that kills fungi
  3. 3. the system controlling involuntary actions such as the heartbeat
  4. 5. a substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction without being used in the process
  5. 7. the endocrine gland that controls the activities of other endocrine glands: it is often called the 'master gland'
  6. 9. part of the nervous system that slows the body down and controls it when it is resting
  7. 10. part of the nervous system that coordinates the movement of the body and receives information from the sensory organs
  8. 12. an organic catalyst
  9. 13. a viral disease; symptoms include a rah of small, itchy blisters
  10. 21. a nerve fibre that sends nerve impulses away from the cell body
  11. 26. a nerve cell
  12. 27. a chemical made by the immune system that makes it possible for white blood cells to destroy pathogens