Body Systems

  1. 2. consists of organs and glands which secrete hormones.
  2. 3. consists of every nerve tissue in the body.
  3. 5. produces stores, and eliminate urine
  4. 6. the adult human skeleton system consist of 206 bones , as well as a network of tendons , ligements and cartilage that connects them .
  5. 7. Working muscles produce gaseous wastes which are carried by the blood back to the respiratory system and expelled.
  6. 8. system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction .
  1. 1. the organ system that protects the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water
  2. 4. connects all organs and tissues ; transport blood , cells, fluids
  3. 9. gas exchange
  4. 10. break down down food and absorb nutrients for energy