Body Systems

  1. 3. What we breath out. Carbon ______
  2. 5. Number of chambers in the heart
  3. 7. Main artery in the body
  4. 9. Main organ of the respiratory system
  5. 10. Stores bile before it is released into the intestine. (4,7)
  6. 12. Where most digestion occurs. ______ intestine
  7. 13. Connects the mouth to the stomach
  8. 14. The _______ system is responsible for absorbing and eliminating vital gases
  9. 17. Long tube protected by cartilage. Also known as your airway
  10. 18. Absorbed into the blood stream during respiration
  11. 19. Ensures blood cannot flow backwards
  12. 20. Site for water absorption. Large _________
  13. 21. Organ with no known use in the human body
  14. 23. Small round sacs with large surface area. Important for respiration
  15. 25. Main organ of the circulatory system
  16. 26. Any blood vessel heading towards the heart is known as a _____
  1. 1. Blood enters the heart here. Right _____
  2. 2. Blood exits the heart through the left ______ before being pumped to the body
  3. 4. The body system responsible for pumping blood around the body
  4. 6. The smallest type of blood vessels
  5. 8. Main muscle involved in breathing
  6. 11. The body system that absorbs nutrients from food
  7. 15. Main artery to the lungs. ________ artery
  8. 16. Thick muscular wall that divides the left and right sides of the heart
  9. 22. Where the nasal and oral passages meet. Also known as the throat
  10. 24. Also known as the voice box or Adams Apple