Body Systems/Homeostasis BB

  1. 4. organs that make substances
  2. 6. muscle ___ contracts to move muscles
  3. 8. ___ system allows people to feel
  4. 9. ___ system is the frame for the human body
  5. 10. ___ system breaks down food for nutrients
  6. 11. ___ system lets you breath
  7. 14. the body's chemical messengers
  8. 16. ___ system removes waste from the body
  9. 17. muscle ___ are muscle cells
  10. 18. the tubes that form a bond between the arterioles and venules.
  11. 20. ___ feedback inhibits another system
  1. 1. ___ loop keeps the body systems in check
  2. 2. ___ feedback strengthens another system
  3. 3. ___ system allows you to move
  4. 5. ___ system lets blood flow through the body
  5. 7. ___ system creates hormones for the body
  6. 12. ___ system is what creates offspring
  7. 13. what the body systems are trying to reach
  8. 15. ___ return used blood to the heart
  9. 19. ___ distribute blood to other systems