- 3. Makes things look bigger
- 7. "Bräutigam" in English
- 9. The opposite of "indoors"
- 10. "beleidigen" in English
- 13. "Zeigefinger" in English
- 16. Another word for "rude"
- 17. Favourite colour of a Goth
- 18. A very famous vampire
- 20. Put your head up and down
- 1. In some countries pupils wear it
- 2. The boss of a school
- 4. "Handfläche" in English
- 5. The "V" sign means...
- 6. People smile a lot there
- 8. "kichern" in English
- 11. Don't show the soles of your feet there
- 12. a character in "Goth"
- 14. The world on your desk
- 15. Another word for "crazy"
- 19. The female form of uncle