
  1. 1. A cop kills a gangsters, beats his own brother,harrases a girl into marrying him and threatens his stepfather
  2. 3. A girl from cbi avenges her husbands death
  3. 5. A guy ruins another guys life because he said some mean things to his dead sister.
  4. 7. Force your kids and make them follow your passions for the country
  5. 10. 4 friends try to rob a blind couple by pretending to be their legal hier
  6. 11. A young college boy from Allahabad emotionally blackmails his own icons wife his icon who is a Mumbai based Business magnate into revealing a way to incriminate him.
  1. 2. A girl joins cbi to avenge her boyfriends death
  2. 3. A guy kills people and becomes a criminal mastermind because his mother told him to die as a rich man
  3. 4. A professional cinematographer has a quarterlife crisis because of some events with her grandparents during her childhood
  4. 6. A criminal justifies his crimes by kidnaping and making the father of the victim do some criminal activity
  5. 8. A boy beats up his father who despite being poor gives him a college education ,the boy is obsessed with becoming a rapper
  6. 9. Zameen par Don’t bully your own kids and let them follow their passion