Bone Marrow Harvest

  1. 1. to separate out
  2. 4. process to stay clean
  3. 6. travels with the product
  4. 7. get this from the lab before the harvest
  5. 9. three way stop
  6. 12. numbers and letters
  7. 15. performed in the operating room
  8. 16. safety measure for procedures
  9. 17. standard additive in the anticoagulation bag
  10. 18. must be affixed to the bag and verified
  11. 19. one who gives
  1. 2. distribution through an approval process
  2. 3. done in the BMT lab after collection
  3. 5. one who receives
  4. 8. cell count called back from BMT Lab
  5. 10. kept in OR PAR stock
  6. 11. cell product containing HPCs
  7. 13. don't forget to set it early on harvest day
  8. 14. to procure a cellular product
  9. 17. must meet 50x10*3/uL threshold to proceed