Bonus One

  1. 2. seeded kind only!
  2. 4. at Grandparents Day, friend asked Jack "_______ is a Precious?"
  3. 7. works on your side, not Nortons
  4. 10. favorite place "overseas"
  5. 12. first name of comedian at Toy Fair
  6. 15. you like your eggs on the _____________?
  7. 16. Uncle Sally saw naked
  8. 17. first florida rental city
  9. 19. color of Nortons socks when he picked you up at Cece's
  10. 20. bridge bid AND a fervent wish
  11. 21. you don't like this warm
  1. 1. favorite night sound at Beachplace
  2. 3. you don't like this night sound at home
  3. 5. place you and your mother store butter besides a refrig?
  4. 6. plays bridge and cuts trees
  5. 8. favorite type rental at Beachplace
  6. 9. capital and good antique street
  7. 11. one of Norton's endearing tricks (Fred likes it now)
  8. 13. date who got his shoes filled with dirt
  9. 14. kind of bird you like IN YOUR house?
  10. 18. you like it with pickles