Book of Exodus

  1. 4. - A Levitical city allotted to the priests.
  2. 5. - Leader of the Israelites and deliverer of slavery
  3. 7. - Bread-like substance provided by God in the wilderness
  4. 10. - God's visible presence leading the Israelites in the wilderness
  5. 13. - Jewish festival commemorating the liberation of the Israelites
  6. 14. - The medium through which God sBURNING BUSHes
  7. 15. - A body of water miraculously parted for the Israelites to escape
  8. 18. COMMANDMENTS - Moral code given to Moses on Mount Sinai
  9. 19. - Departure of the Israelites from Egypt
  1. 1. - Region where the Israelites wandered for 40 years
  2. 2. - Father-in-law of Moses
  3. 3. - Tribe of Israel set apart for priestly duties
  4. 5. - The Hebrew name meaning "God with us"
  5. 6. - Egyptian ruler during Moses' time
  6. 8. - Series of disasters inflicted on Egypt to secure Israel's release
  7. 9. - Brother of Moses, served as a spokesperson
  8. 11. - Mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments
  9. 12. - Portable sanctuary constructed by the Israelites
  10. 16. - Land of slavery from which the Israelites were delivered
  11. 17. - Sacred chest containing the tablets of the Ten Commandments