- 2. A prediction/statement about the future
- 4. God of thunder (Roman)
- 6. Part II of a prophecy from Percy Jackson
- 7. Evil Representation of Earth
- 9. God of the sea (Roman)
- 12. Son of Jupiter
- 15. God of the Underworld (Roman)
- 16. Goddess of beauty
- 17. Son of Mars
- 18. God of the Sky (Greek)
- 19. God of the Underworld (Greek)
- 1. God of water (Greek)
- 3. Daughter of Pluto
- 5. God of wine
- 8. Goddess of intellect
- 10. Part of a prophecy from Percy Jackson
- 11. Son of Hephaestus
- 13. Daughter of Athena
- 14. Daughter of Aphrodite
- 15. Son of Poseidon