Book Thief: Joaquina Diaz, Seri Jeon and Victoria Tessari

  1. 4. Main Character in Book Thief
  2. 5. Place were the Nazis invaded first, beginning WW2
  3. 7. What month of 1939 was WW2 declared?
  4. 8. The perspective from which Book Thief is told
  5. 9. Last name of the Jew hiding in the main character's house
  1. 1. One of the most renowned WW2 inventions.
  2. 2. The main character's passion in Book Thief is _______
  3. 3. People that followed this religion were mostly targeted in WW2
  4. 4. Name of the corporation who profited most out of weapons in WW2
  5. 6. One of the themes and state that the main character in Book Thief was living in