- 3. What was the most popular audiobook in 2024?
- 4. What is the most popular book genre of 2024?
- 6. What was the most purchased book in 2024?
- 8. Who was one of the most popular authors of 2024?
- 11. What is the second biggest public library?
- 12. What is the most popular book genre of all time?
- 15. What month are the most books bought?
- 16. Where are books read the most?
- 17. How many books do you have to own to have your own library?
- 1. What city has the most libraries per captia?
- 2. How many public libraries are in the US?
- 5. What has had a boom since the rise of book-tok?
- 7. What is the most bought/read book of all time?
- 9. What is the best drink to have with a good book?
- 10. Where has the most bookstores?
- 13. How many books does an average person read per year?
- 14. How many dollars does the average american spend on books in a year?