Bookish Delight

  1. 4. Purchasing a large number of books
  2. 6. Place to get free books
  3. 10. Place to leave a review
  4. 11. A marker placed between the pages to keep your place.
  5. 14. Addicted to books.
  6. 15. All the love between the pages.
  7. 16. When two people read a book together.
  1. 1. Now called book store.
  2. 2. Alternative fictional world, typically with magical elements.
  3. 3. Terrifying books
  4. 5. Pile of books to be read.
  5. 7. Bendy version of the story you can touch
  6. 8. point of view
  7. 9. Stories written by fans of books and series.
  8. 12. Amazon's ereader.
  9. 13. Fictional society where government creates injustice