books 5-8

  1. 5. left deserted; abandoned
  2. 7. dignified;proper in speech/dressing
  3. 9. pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem
  4. 10. having many uses
  5. 11. Odysseus's Trojan Horse is another example of how he was a great ___________.
  6. 15. repeating consonant sounds in words of close proximity(not only in beginning)
  7. 17. initial sounds that are repetitive in successive words(or ones in close proximity)
  8. 18. promising success/opportune
  1. 1. Homeric simile; extended simile that intensifies the heroic stature of the subject
  2. 2. repeating vowel sounds in words of close proximity(not rhyming)
  3. 3. The subjects bow down in ___________ to the king.
  4. 4. Because I broke the rules, my teacher __________ me with a month of detention.
  5. 6. deviated from the proper course;straying
  6. 8. the disease proved to be __________ when it put the man in a coma for 2 years.
  7. 12. in an argumentative way
  8. 13. repeated epithets, events, poems, lines for emphasis
  9. 14. The coach made me water boy, because he thought I was ________ at football.
  10. 16. to disregard;to treat with disregard/scorn