Books and Authors

  1. 1. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  2. 5. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  3. 8. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  4. 10. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  5. 11. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  6. 12. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  7. 14. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  8. 15. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  9. 18. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  1. 2. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  2. 3. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  3. 4. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  4. 6. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  5. 7. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  6. 9. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  7. 12. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  8. 13. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  9. 16. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  10. 17. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  11. 19. "Gitanjali" is written by _________.