Books and movies

  1. 3. Money given by publisher to an author beforehand.
  2. 5. Someone who tells you if a book, movie, etc is good.
  3. 6. A version of a scene, or part of a scene.
  4. 8. A book which is very enjoyable to read.
  5. 9. The person responsible for revising and correcting a work.
  6. 13. To fail, used for books, movies, and other things.
  7. 15. To approve a project.
  8. 16. Daily, unedited video footage
  9. 17. The person in charge of the business side of making a movie.
  10. 18. The person in charge of creating a movie.
  11. 20. A work based on another one, usually from another medium.
  12. 23. Acronym referring to a number used to ID books.
  13. 25. A series composed of three works.
  14. 26. A book which does extremely well.
  15. 27. The actors in a movie
  16. 28. A book, or movie, with characters from a previous work. Not a sequel.
  1. 1. Acronym for a genre aimed at people between 13-20, approximately.
  2. 2. The 'voice' of the story.
  3. 4. Reading a script with little or no prior preparation.
  4. 7. Someone who represents an actor or author, for example.
  5. 8. To correct a text for errors.
  6. 10. Protects the rights of the creator to make money off a product.
  7. 11. The events which compose the main story.
  8. 12. A short clip used to generate excitement
  9. 14. A very successful movie
  10. 19. A critical analysis of a work.
  11. 21. To make the script more energetic.
  12. 22. To buy the right to use a work in a movie.
  13. 24. Practice for actors