Books and Stories

  1. 5. the story takes _____ in the future
  2. 6. sections of a story
  3. 8. what the characters say to each other
  4. 9. a genre of story that contains dragons, knights, fairies, and giants
  5. 10. the story is ___ during a war
  6. 13. a story that is acted on a stage
  7. 14. what happens in a book or story
  8. 15. the problems the characters face in a story
  9. 17. a person who draws pictures for a book
  10. 21. a story about cowboys in the Wild West
  11. 22. books about stories that were made up
  12. 24. a person who writes a book
  13. 25. a formal way to say "the bad guy"
  14. 26. a story in which a detective tries to uncover who committed a crime
  15. 28. a kind of book with cartoons that many kids enjoy
  1. 1. a book about the life of someone
  2. 2. a book-length story
  3. 3. a person who is in a story
  4. 4. the exciting finish to a story
  5. 5. a formal way to say "the main character"
  6. 7. how the main conflict is solved
  7. 11. a story about pirates, treasure seekers, or explorers
  8. 12. a relatively unimportant character: a ____ character
  9. 14. the setting (time) for historical fiction stories
  10. 16. the main character
  11. 18. a story about aliens or robots: _______ fiction
  12. 19. a love story
  13. 20. books about real people and events
  14. 22. the setting (time) for many science fiction stories
  15. 23. the most important character: the ____ character
  16. 27. the name of a book