Religious Knowledge

  1. 4. Days of the period of Lent
  2. 5. Reason of Armsgiving
  3. 6. Abraham's character
  4. 10. Moses' brother
  5. 15. Volumes of the Bible
  6. 16. Early copies of the Bible
  7. 17. Bible
  8. 18. The tablet Moses received on Mt.Sinai
  9. 20. Type of prayer
  10. 22. One of the Wisdom Books
  11. 24. Greek word for Bible
  12. 26. Paul's episcle
  13. 27. Joseph's older brother
  14. 33. Reason for Joseph ending up in prison
  15. 34. Records the history of the Israelites
  16. 35. Queen Esther's husband
  17. 36. 1st day of creation
  18. 38. One of the Gospels
  1. 1. Each division of the books of Bible
  2. 2. Testament
  3. 3. First Book of the Bible
  4. 7. Language the Bible was written in
  5. 8. Sacred Scriptures was written on
  6. 9. Records the life of Christ
  7. 11. Quality of a good leader
  8. 12. Moses' meaning
  9. 13. Chapters of the Bible are divided into
  10. 14. Queen Esther's cousin
  11. 16. Number of Books in the Catholic Bible
  12. 19. One of the five Books of Law
  13. 21. Synonym of Letter in the Bible
  14. 23. One of the books of Prophet
  15. 25. Reason Esther was wife of Xerxes
  16. 28. Abraham's son
  17. 29. King Pharoah's dream
  18. 30. Used to write the Sacred Scriptures on
  19. 31. Wise men inspired by God
  20. 32. Meaning of Isaac
  21. 37. Matthew records Jesus life in