- 4. Best selling book of all time
- 6. Placeholder for where one stops reading
- 7. Famous Ernest
- 10. Text written for a film actor
- 13. Villain
- 15. Barrier for an author
- 16. Egyptian writing tool
- 19. Writing utensil used to sign the Magna Carta
- 20. Best Seller’s List Publisher
- 21. Nancy Drew genre
- 1. Author who glamorized fence painting
- 2. Farmer’s go-to book
- 3. Protagonist
- 5. Clothing for a book
- 8. Online book retailer
- 9. Invisible author
- 11. Old school method of writing
- 12. The real Dr. Seuss
- 14. Shape of the line of an effective story
- 17. Literary device used in “as busy as a bee”
- 18. To plan secretly