Books R Us

  1. 4. Best selling book of all time
  2. 6. Placeholder for where one stops reading
  3. 7. Famous Ernest
  4. 10. Text written for a film actor
  5. 13. Villain
  6. 15. Barrier for an author
  7. 16. Egyptian writing tool
  8. 19. Writing utensil used to sign the Magna Carta
  9. 20. Best Seller’s List Publisher
  10. 21. Nancy Drew genre
  1. 1. Author who glamorized fence painting
  2. 2. Farmer’s go-to book
  3. 3. Protagonist
  4. 5. Clothing for a book
  5. 8. Online book retailer
  6. 9. Invisible author
  7. 11. Old school method of writing
  8. 12. The real Dr. Seuss
  9. 14. Shape of the line of an effective story
  10. 17. Literary device used in “as busy as a bee”
  11. 18. To plan secretly