
  1. 2. A reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning.
  2. 3. Book written in 1998 by Louis Sachar
  3. 5. J. K. Rowling came up with this very famous character.
  4. 7. Finish the book tile Lord of the...
  5. 8. The Comedy of Errors was written by William...
  6. 9. A tragedy written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers.
  1. 1. Book written by J. R. R. Tolkien, recently made into a movie in 2012.
  2. 4. Wrote 'The Adventures of Oliver Twist' and 'A Christmas Carol'.
  3. 6. A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.
  4. 10. Girls name, and title of a book written by Roald Dahl.
  5. 11. Also called a word reference, wordbook, lexicon, or vocabulary.