Boons Easter Crossword

  1. 3. In the UK, what is the day before Lent called? (______ Tuesday)
  2. 6. Name a place in America where Egg-Rolling is a traditional event (The _____ _____)
  3. 7. A bun marked with a cross and containing dried fruit
  4. 10. A place said to be the home of the Easter Bunny (Easter _____)
  5. 11. A Rabbits favourite food
  6. 12. He was resurrected on the first Easter
  7. 13. He hides eggs all around (Easter ______)
  1. 1. The season we're celebrating
  2. 2. The month Easter is celebrated in
  3. 4. Which religion is the main celebrator of Easter
  4. 5. Our favourite food on Easter
  5. 8. Username of the person who created the Easter Quest
  6. 9. A rabbit furniture in the hotel (hint: Easter)
  7. 14. A place where eggs are kept by birds