Bootiful words

  1. 2. A object of beauty but thorns stop the beauty for reaching the beholder(4)
  2. 4. expensive, luxurious life for a beautiful word.(7)
  3. 6. The sun and the moon collide in one moment.(7)
  4. 7. Something of highest possible degree, the best to see.(11)
  5. 10. Halcyon is it's meaning for picturesque it is beaning(6)
  6. 12. A word of welsh meaning to miss something enough to belch(7)
  1. 1. When Christmas comes around people use this angel to celebrate Christmas sound(7)
  2. 3. A persons of love and beauty their hands light and soft.(7)
  3. 5. This tree is better than dead it comes in many red(7)
  4. 8. Open the object and the rain is gone.(8)
  5. 9. A quality of being happy bubbly at the core.(10)
  6. 11. A world we are as we live in life and the world.(4)