Born in the 1970s

  1. 2. Smooth and soulful music
  2. 4. Renewed interest in folk music
  3. 5. Shiny and glamorous rock style
  4. 8. Lightweight and catchy pop music
  5. 14. Fusion of jazz and funk
  6. 16. Fusion of jazz and rock
  7. 18. Fusion of reggae and rock
  8. 19. Blend of pop and rock
  9. 20. Hit song by Lipps Inc.
  10. 22. Mind-altering music style
  11. 24. Theatrical rock genre
  12. 25. Chart-topping songs from Motown
  13. 26. Blend of blues and rock
  14. 28. Nightclub for dancing
  1. 1. Artist who writes and performs their own songs
  2. 3. Emotional and heartfelt
  3. 6. Blend of country and rock
  4. 7. Mellow and melodic pop
  5. 9. Glam rock with heavy metal elements
  6. 10. Psychedelic rock
  7. 11. Blend of jazz and rock
  8. 12. Progressive rock
  9. 13. Influenced by the blues
  10. 15. Unplugged and natural sound
  11. 17. Blend of funk and rock
  12. 21. Popular songs from the disco era
  13. 23. Rock music associated with the American South
  14. 26. Energetic dance music
  15. 27. Blend of folk and pop