  1. 2. A block used to elevate the injured or infected toe/hoof off of the ground to allow for healing
  2. 4. The vein used to collect a blood sample from, caudal end of the cow
  3. 6. The area or landmark on the neck in which the jugular vein sits
  4. 7. A device used to given liquid medications to cattle orally
  5. 9. Not to be used when cleaning vaccination syringes
  6. 10. injection
  7. 12. The large vein in the cervical region that is is used to collect a blood sample from
  8. 14. The time between administration of a known dose of a drug or chemical to an animal and the time that the animal’s meat, milk, or eggs are presumably safe for human consumption
  1. 1. An infusion method to get antibiotics into the udder of a cow
  2. 3. The muscle group used in cattle for SC and IM injections
  3. 5. A collection method for rumen fluid collection in cattle
  4. 8. A device used to give solid medications like pills, to cattle
  5. 11. The placement of the needle needs to be in this location to be able to collect blood from the tail vein
  6. 13. Will cause inactivation of the vaccine due to low temperatures
  7. 15. The maximum amount of mL to be given as a