Boy in the Striped Pajamas

  1. 3. an act or instance of reviving
  2. 5. What is Father's real name?
  3. 6. Where did they move to?
  4. 9. What did Shmuel's father do?
  5. 12. Who is Bruno and Gretel's tutor?
  6. 17. occur at or during the same time
  7. 19. What did Bruno and Gretel call their new home?
  8. 20. Who is the boy in the striped pajamas?
  9. 22. to show disrespect or contempt, looking down on
  10. 25. Who drinks multiple medicinal sherries a day?
  11. 26. a sweater
  12. 27. Who was Gretel and Mother both attracted to?
  13. 28. Who is nice to Gretel and Bruno when the Fury came to dinner?
  14. 31. a single upright at the side of a staircase
  15. 32. Who does Bruno call the hopeless case?
  1. 1. Who came to dinner the night they decided to move?
  2. 2. Who helps Bruno when he fell out of the swing?
  3. 4. Who would put on plays with Bruno and Gretel?
  4. 7. small pieces, parts or bits of something
  5. 8. What word do the soldiers yell at the people in the striped pajamas?
  6. 10. What language did Gretel say she could speak?
  7. 11. of great importance
  8. 13. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt
  9. 14. plates, dishes, cups, and other similar items, especially ones made of earthenware or china
  10. 15. Where did they move from?
  11. 16. a difficult situation or problem
  12. 18. Where did Kolter's dad move to?
  13. 21. unable to be denied or disputed
  14. 23. the complete loss of hope
  15. 24. deny the truth of by asserting the opposite
  16. 29. Who is the overpaid maid?
  17. 30. redhead