Boy in the striped pajamas

  1. 1. : a camp in World War Two where the nazis bing the Jew to work to death
  2. 4. : Adolf hitler was often considered a ________
  3. 7. : know as aschwitz a deth camp in Poland
  4. 8. : one main character
  5. 10. : a differing aliance of countries in ww2
  6. 11. : Aliance of country’s in World War Two
  1. 2. : one of Bruno’s favorite things to do and how he find shmuel
  2. 3. : someone you know really know and spend time with
  3. 5. : the nazis went through the land and captured the Jews
  4. 6. : the other main character
  5. 9. : devastating group that destroyed a lot of the world from 1939 to 1945