Brain Anatomy

  1. 6. meninx the overlays CSF
  2. 11. incoming!
  3. 13. from the nose to the eyes
  4. 14. perpendicular to rostral-caudal
  5. 16. filled with CSF
  6. 17. meninx closest to the surface of the brain
  7. 18. back
  8. 19. from the eyes to the nose
  9. 20. leathery meninx
  1. 1. belly
  2. 2. towards the tail
  3. 3. perpendicular to medial-lateral
  4. 4. towards the beak
  5. 5. "little brain"
  6. 7. perpendicular to dorsal-ventral
  7. 8. largest part of the brain
  8. 9. outgoing!
  9. 10. dura, arachnoid and pia
  10. 12. part of the brain where vital brain functions are regulated
  11. 14. brain and spinal cord
  12. 15. conduit between the brain and the body