- 3. the medulla oblongata is located on this structure
- 6. the brain is separated into different sections called __
- 7. traumatic brain injury
- 8. the part of the brain that turns into the spinal cord
- 10. produces melatonin
- 12. the sleep hormone
- 14. the part of the brain where judgement and impulse control happens
- 15. balance and coordination
- 17. survived a rod through the brain
- 18. controls breathing and heart
- 1. the outer part of the brain that has all the grooves
- 2. the brain is divided into a left and right called __
- 4. the round structure at the base of the brain
- 5. the direction the brain develops
- 7. auditory information
- 9. regluates body temperature & hormones
- 10. the lobe that processes language
- 11. located almost in the center of the brain
- 13. an MRI lights up in the lobes where ___ ___ occurs when certain lobes are activated
- 16. a medical test that has promoted ethical research of the brain
- 19. visual processing lobe