Brain Anatomy

  1. 3. Controls Hormones and the endocrine system
  2. 6. Cortex.
  3. 8. Area. Responsible for producing language
  4. 12. Lobe. Contains the Motor Cortex, Prefrontal Cortex, and Broca's Area
  5. 15. Involved in our experience of emotion and ties emotional meaning to our memories, Part of the Limbic System
  6. 18. The line that separates/divides both sides of your brain
  7. 20. Receives messages from the muscles, tendons, joints, and structures withing the ear which are responsible for the, control balance, coordination, movement, and motor skills. Important for processing some types of memories, and is responsible for "Muscle Memory" (e.g. Riding a bike)
  8. 21. Left side of your brain
  9. 24. Cortex. Responsible for higher level cognitive function and critical thinking, Doesn't stop growing till we're 30
  10. 25. Part of the Reptilian Brain, Immensely more impactful than the logic part of your brain, Inovlved in both memory and emotion, made of the Hippocampus, Amygdala, Hypothalamus
  1. 1. Lobe. Processing Auditory Information, hearing, memory, emotion, Some aspects of language
  2. 2. Essential for learning and memory, Back of the Thalamus, Involved in emotion. E.g. How the filing cabinet gets made and organized and stored
  3. 4. Lobe. Located in the very back of the brain, Primary Visual Cortex, Retinotopically (Spatial Awareness)
  4. 5. Cortex. Processes Auditory Information
  5. 7. Bundle of Nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, "White matter" what gives your brain its colour due to the Mylein of the neurons and is found in the deeper tissue of the brain, also contain nerve fibers called "Axons" and are extensions of nerve cells
  6. 9. Right side of your brain
  7. 10. Responsible for the release of Hormones, Connected to the thing that controls hormones and is connected to the Limbic System.
  8. 11. Control Center, Information immediately goes to the Thalamus, all senses (Touch, sound, sense, Taste) EXCEPT smell which goes straight to memory
  9. 13. Cortex. Processes Visual Information
  10. 14. Lobe. Control Center, Located behind the frontal lobe, Somatosensory Cortex
  11. 16. The bridge that connects the hind brain to everything else in the brain, Responsible for Swallowing, Bladder Control, Breathing, and more
  12. 17. Uneven surface of the brain, Responsible for higher levels of function, Bumps known as "Gyri" and Grooves known as "Sulci"
  13. 19. Controls automatic processes of the autonomic nervous system (E.g. Breathing)
  14. 22. Area. Speech and Language comprehension
  15. 23. Reptilian Brain, Responsible for Fight-Or-Flight response, Warning system, Women's are more aware