Brain Anatomy

  1. 1. moves signals and sensory information and creates a center for pain preception.
  2. 5. Connectes the left and right brain but can be split in certain scenarios.
  3. 6. Links the thalamus and medulla
  4. 7. Involves mainly eating and drinking and controls thirst.
  5. 8. Controls all other glands and basically is in charge of the well being of the body.
  6. 9. The gray matter that carries memories and can take up space to protect the brain.
  7. 12. Processes vision and controls the visual part of the brain.
  8. 13. Controls the auditory information and is processed.
  1. 2. Carries messages from all over the body to the brain.
  2. 3. controls most of the cognitive skills and expression and behaviors.
  3. 4. The right and left brain which control the opposite side of the body and is connected with the Corpus Collosum
  4. 6. Processes sensory information such as smell and taste.
  5. 10. Located near the spinal chord and controls voluntary movements
  6. 11. Lower part of the brainstem that controls all involuntary movements such as a heart beat.
  7. 14. controls all of the regular day activities such as sleeping eating and breathing