Brain Anatomy

  1. 5. The movements of the body without the muscles contracting
  2. 7. powerful light beams are focused on the key muscle to help treat them.
  3. 10. Jump excersizes that use boxes and typically work lower body.
  4. 12. is the range of motion and test that the activity of the brain.
  5. 13. allows muscles to gain strength while moving and typically stays in motion
  6. 14. this is the technique used to increase ROM.
  7. 15. adds stimulation to the muscle and helps to relax the key parts of that muscle.
  8. 18. a test or stimulation used to stimulate the brain and test the function
  9. 19. is testing used to see the range of motion and strength of a body part
  10. 20. Freezing temperatues to contract a muscle and to relax it.
  1. 1. is a deep massage that people use to stretch into the deeper muscle and tissues.
  2. 2. is the way you are able to move the muscles and stretch
  3. 3. Heat to help treat symptoms or get muscles back aligned
  4. 4. The excersizes that typically use resistance bands or a little weight to help strengthen smaller muscles.
  5. 6. goals or accomplishments that we use to get the brain healthy
  6. 8. used for seeing in the body as a camera and heat sensing technique.
  7. 9. helps to treat scar tissue and to relax surrounding tissue.
  8. 11. goals set farther out to achive such as a full return to play recovery.
  9. 16. They use electrical impulses to stimulate a muscle and to help treat
  10. 17. A movement with a contraction