Brain Anatomy

  1. 1. A choroid _______ contains blood vessels that secrete CSF
  2. 3. A hollow, fluid-filled space within the brain
  3. 6. The third major portion of the brain; controls automatic functions of the body such as breathing and heart rate
  4. 7. The "fifth" lobe of the cerebrum that is deep to the temporal lobe
  5. 9. The lipid-based material that acts as an insulator for neurons
  6. 10. Cells that assist neurons in their day-to-day activities
  7. 12. Portion of the brain associated with coordinated movement and motor activities
  8. 13. The most anterior of the five lobes of the cerebrum
  9. 14. The singular form of the word that is define as one of the membranes surrounding the brain
  10. 15. Clusters of cell bodies found throughout the cerebrum and diencephalon
  1. 1. An endocrine organ that is connected to and takes orders from the hypothalamus
  2. 2. Term for the fluid that fills the ventricles and canals of the brain and spinal cord
  3. 4. Large cell that transmit and generate messages in the form of nerve impulses
  4. 5. The color of brain tissue that contains bundles of myelinated axons
  5. 8. Shallow groove in the surface of the cerebrum
  6. 11. The most posterior of the five lobes of the cerebrum
  7. 12. The outer 2 millimeters of the cerebrum