brain haemorrhage

  1. 4. Component of tobacco smoke that causes increased blood pressure
  2. 6. cells A group of cells affected by haemorrhage
  3. 8. haemorrhage Bleeding within brain tissues
  4. 9. A sever symptom that indicates the possibility of brain haemorrhage
  5. 10. A hormone released under stressful conditions
  6. 12. A cause of haemorrhage
  7. 13. A bulge in a blood vessel
  8. 15. Narrowing and constricting of cerebral blood vessels
  1. 1. An escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
  2. 2. A type of medication prescribed to patients to reduce swelling
  3. 3. Swelling of the brain
  4. 5. A possible complication (mood)
  5. 7. A process of using protein stores to generate energy
  6. 11. An activity one should not perform in order to prevent brain haemorrhage
  7. 14. How many areas can bleeding occur in the brain