Brain Parts

  1. 3. Cortex that perceives sound...
  2. 4. The Pineal Gland is located within the...
  3. 7. The Motor Cortex deals with this type of movement...
  4. 11. Delayed or no puberty can be caused by damage to the...
  5. 12. Processes language comprehension...
  6. 14. Part of brain that deals with fear, pleasure, and anxiety...
  7. 15. Damage to this part can lead to a loss of movement...
  8. 19. Damage to the Cerebellum can lead to loss of...
  9. 21. Damage to the Auditory Cortex can impair...
  10. 22. The Medulla Oblongata deals with this bodily system...
  11. 23. The Pituitary Gland is the main gland in this bodily system...
  12. 24. Damage to this part can lead to respiratory failure and paralysis...
  13. 25. Area of brain that deals in complex speech...
  14. 26. Damage to the Thalamus can cause...
  1. 1. This part processes voluntary movement and motor skills...
  2. 2. Damage to this part can cause fatal/non-fatal sleeping disorders...
  3. 5. The Amygdala relates to these functions...
  4. 6. Damage to the Wernickes Area can make you speak in long meaningless...
  5. 8. The Hippocampus is located within this area of the brain...
  6. 9. Deals with learning ability and memory...
  7. 10. Damage to this part creates a numbness and tingling feeling...
  8. 13. Brocas Area is located within the...
  9. 16. This part of the brain primarily releases hormones...
  10. 17. The Hypothalamus initiates the production of...
  11. 18. The Somatosensory processes primarily...
  12. 20. Gland that relates to the sleep cycle...