Brain Structure-Function

  1. 4. Secretes hormones as commanded by hypothalamus
  2. 7. Vital functions
  3. 9. Connects spinal cord to brain
  4. 10. Processes smell
  5. 12. Lobe for processing visual information
  6. 14. Protects brian and circulates blood
  7. 15. Relay station for sensory information
  8. 17. Part of the CNS that connects to PNS
  9. 18. Meninge that holds cerebrospinal fluid
  10. 19. Thin-like meninge that is stuck to the brain
  11. 21. Outermost meninge, leather-like
  12. 22. Influences breathing and posture
  1. 1. Lobe for processing sensory information
  2. 2. Sends hormonal signals
  3. 3. Integrates memory and emotion
  4. 5. Regulates voluntary movement
  5. 6. Dopamine motor pathway affected by Parkinson's
  6. 8. Fine motor movements and coordination
  7. 11. Lobe important for movement expression and higher level executive functions
  8. 13. Allows communication between two hemispheres
  9. 16. Important for learning and memory
  10. 20. Lobe for language and hearing