Branches of government

  1. 5. in charge of all 50 states
  2. 7. Made up of 9 justices that review the courses on cort cases
  3. 9. The name of the House of Representatives and Senate together.
  4. 11. Advises the president
  5. 12. second to the president
  6. 13. Has the job of writing new laws
  7. 14. people in this group are determined by the population of each state
  8. 15. The Document that establishes the U.S. government branches
  1. 1. 10 amendments to the constitution
  2. 2. A system in which no one government branch has too much power
  3. 3. When the legislative branch can remove a president or supreme court justice
  4. 4. Has democrat and republican
  5. 6. Has the president and vice president
  6. 8. The title the president has over the military
  7. 10. Made up of 100 members and 2 in each state