Brawl Stars

  1. 1. You unlock this person at 3000 trophies. They shoot three explosives arrows and their super is when they shoot an arrow that puts three mines on the ground that explode when enemies step on them.
  2. 2. This is an epic brawler. Their attack is where they shoot nuts and bolts at enemies and their super is where they put down a healing turret.
  3. 4. This is a mythic brawler. They shoot from a magic lamp and their super is where they pull enemies.
  4. 7. This brawler is rare. They throw toxic bottles that poison enemies that are in the area and their super just throws five of them.
  5. 9. This is a super rare brawler. They shoot a jackhammer inot the ground and their super is where they do that and pull in enemies but the damage enemies do is reduced by 40%.
  6. 13. This is a super rare brawler. They shoot gumballs that bounce off walls and their super is where the gumballs are more powerful.
  7. 14. This brawler is the trophy road you get with 60 trophies. They shot two revolvers. Their super is just the bullets are stronger and go break walls.
  8. 16. This is a rare brawler that punches enemies with thorny gloves and their super is where the damage that they take is temporarily reduced by 70%
  9. 19. This is a legendary brawler. They shoot a spike ball that explodes and their super does damage and slows enemies and it is a spike pit thingy.
  10. 20. You unlock this brawler with 2000 trophies. They throw sticks of dynamite and their super is when they throw a giant barrel filled with explosives that can break walls.
  11. 21. You unlock this brawler with 1000 trophies. They shoot rockets and their super rains rockets down on the enemy.
  12. 23. This is a mythic brawler. Their attack is where they throw cards at enemies and their super is basically a black hole that does damage.
  13. 24. This is a mythic brawler. They attack by throwing a suitcase at enemies and their super is where they put down a turrets that spawns porters that attack enemies.
  14. 25. This is the starter brawler that shoots a shotgun. Their super is a big shotgun blast.
  15. 26. This is a legendary brawler. They shoot ninja stars and their super is where they temporarily turn invisible.
  16. 28. You unlock this brawler at 6000 trophies. They shoot laser beams and their super is when they put down a turret that increases the damage that this person's team does while in the area of the turret.
  17. 30. This is an epic brawler. This brawler snipes with an umbrella and their super is where they jump up and leave 4 grenades on the ground.
  1. 1. This is an epic brawler. They shoot bee stingers and if they hit an enemy, the stinger becomes supercharged and their super is where they slow enemies down.
  2. 2. This is a super rare brawler. They shoot a bag of gold doubloons that spreads damage when it hits an enemy and their super is where they put down a turret that throws bombs over walls.
  3. 3. This is a mythic brawler. They shoot 4 small laser bullets and their super is where they drink an energy drink and speed up them and their teammates.
  4. 5. This person's Brawl Stars username is D@nner(Hint: their name starts with Dan.)
  5. 6. This is a rare brawler. They punch enemies and their super is where they leap onto enemies.
  6. 8. This is a rare brawler. They shoot powerful musical notes that do lttle damage to enemies and their super is where they shoot a giant wave of musical notes that heal 75% of allies' health.
  7. 9. You unlock this brawler at 500 trophies. They shoot a shock rifle, and when it hits someone, it bounces to the next nearest enemy. Their super puts down a turret that looks like a dog.
  8. 10. this is a legendary brawler. They shoot poisoned daggers and their super is where they jump and shoot poison daggers.
  9. 11. This is a mythic brawler. They attack with a shovel and their super is where they send bats at the enemies and however much damage the bats do, this person heals.
  10. 12. This is an epic brawler. They smash a hammer down to attack and their super is the same as the attack except it stuns enemies.
  11. 15. You unlock this brawler at 4000 trophies. They shoot bombs that explode in the air and put three mines on the ground and their super is when the person's head comes off and it goes to the nearest enemy and explodes itself.
  12. 17. This is a super rare brawler. They shoot dual shotguns and their super is where they roll and can bounce off walls.
  13. 18. This person is the person that is the trophy road you get with 10 trophies. She shoots a shock wave blast that damages enemies. Her super is a bear that attacks enemies.
  14. 19. This is a mythic brawler. Their attack is where they shoot a grass bomb and their super is where they build a temporary wall.
  15. 21. You get this person at 250 trophies and they deal massive damage with a shotgun. Their super is when they charge through walls.
  16. 22. This is a super rare brawler. They throw a pickax that comes back to them and their super is where the spin around with their pickax out for three seconds.
  17. 25. this is a legendary brawler.They shoot sand and their super is where they create a big sandstorm where the brawler and their teammates can't be seen.
  18. 27. You unlock this brawler at 8000 trophies. They shoot hairspray that poisons enemies and their super has a giant area of effect and enemies in the area are slowly poisoned and slowed down speed wise.
  19. 29. This is an epic brawler. They attack with a baseball bat that sometimes knocks people back and their super is when the person shoots a piece of bubblegum.