Brayden's crossword

  1. 4. How you see yourself.
  2. 7. eating too much of this is unhealthy.
  3. 10. Good after workouts.
  4. 12. Label on foods you look at before you buy.
  5. 14. Key element in foods.
  6. 16. Bread has a lot of this.
  7. 18. How much food do you want?
  8. 19. Having excess weight.
  9. 20. Essential element in foods, very little amount in foods.
  1. 1. I take my____ everyday.
  2. 2. Standard amount of food that is healthy.
  3. 3. Eating in a way to lose weight.
  4. 5. Helps you find your healthy body image.
  5. 6. Eating too much and tryin gto lose it all.
  6. 7. Unhealthy weight loss.
  7. 8. Eating too much at a time.
  8. 9. Not eating, self-starvation,and extreme weight loss.
  9. 11. Drink 6-8 cups of this everyday.
  10. 13. Puts food into energy.
  11. 15. The energy in foods
  12. 17. Eating too much can lead to______.