Bre Shower

  1. 3. What is the name of Bre and Rob's dog?
  2. 4. Where did they go for their first camping trip with Wilbur?
  3. 6. How many years have they been together?
  4. 10. What was the first foreign country did Rob and Bre visit together?
  5. 12. In what city did Bre and Rob first meet?
  6. 13. Where did they purchase their first home?
  1. 1. What was the first sporting event they attended together?
  2. 2. What year did Bre and Rob start dating?
  3. 5. What year did they earn their wings together?
  4. 7. What type of lessons did Rob give Bre for her birthday during their first year of dating?
  5. 8. Where did they go for their first vacation together?
  6. 9. Where did they live when they had their first kiss?
  7. 11. Where did Rob give Bre her engagement ring?