
  1. 3. Hazel started to get ______ after what happened that same day.
  2. 5. Who is the main character?
  3. 6. How long was Hazel and Jack best friends for?
  4. 10. Who was Hazel's best friend?
  5. 12. What did Jack give Hazel?
  6. 17. What is Hazel's last name?
  7. 19. How did Hazel feel after she hit Jack in the eye?
  8. 21. Hazel was _____ when she was a baby.
  9. 22. In the beginning of the story Jack hit Hazel in the back with a snowball? Hazel said she would get him back later. Did she got him back?
  10. 23. How long was it to Hazel's school from her house?
  1. 1. What did Hazel's friend Jack, invent as a sport/game?
  2. 2. How much friends does Hazel have?
  3. 4. What school did Hazel go to?
  4. 7. Hazel is a ____ child.
  5. 8. Hazel is a very quiet and _____ person at school.
  6. 9. What did Tyler call Hazel?
  7. 11. Who did Jack disappeared into the forest with?
  8. 13. What did Hazel's mom requested Hazel to do?
  9. 14. What was in the snowball that Hazel threw at Jack in the eye?
  10. 15. Tyler and Bobby started to ____ Hazel after what she did to Jack?
  11. 16. To who's house was Hazel's mom making Hazel go to?
  12. 18. Where did Hazel go to not talk to no one?
  13. 20. What type of precipitation happened before Jack stopped talking to Hazel?
  14. 24. What was the name of Hazel's list?
  15. 25. Hazel's dad _____ live with her mom and Hazel.