Break it down (ur mental health)

  1. 1. Native American story
  2. 5. Case of Englich and Mussweiler
  3. 7. One cultural dimension predominant in Asian countries
  4. 11. Case study on Broca's Area
  5. 14. Proposed the Dual Process Model
  6. 16. Average speed of cars before the crash
  7. 18. Office items
  8. 19. Way the brain adapts to the environment
  1. 2. Study on Osama Bin Laden
  2. 3. Proposed Preparedness Theory
  3. 4. Neurotransmitter responsible for spatial memory
  4. 6. Object Bandura and Ross used
  5. 8. One brain area that is responsible for one function
  6. 9. ___ and Kulik
  7. 10. Mendel gave this to participants
  8. 12. Love hormone
  9. 13. Shared identity during a VR simulation
  10. 15. Proposed Social Identity Theory
  11. 17. One memory model